Thousands of people are life-insurance rich, but cash poor. Many more wish they could enjoy the money from their life policies before they die - for use to pay almost any expenses, including health care, housing, costs of living, or even fun purchases such as cars and homes.
The solution comes in the form of a Viatical Settlement. Viatical Settlements allow individuals to essentially (and absolutely legally within the USA) "sell" their own personal life policies to investors for a cash settlement for any use. Often the money from life insurance policies are so desparetly needed for the concerns of the living. Viatical Settlement Brokers specialize in matching individuals who desire to sell or settle their life insurance policies (while they are living) with specialized companies and investors who wish to purchase these policies for financial benefit down the road (upon the later death of the original policy owner).
If you own your own life ins. policy (almost 100 Million do within the USA), you truly owe it to yourself to consider what your policy might be worth in cash to you. Viatical Settlements are becoming very common and are a great way to enjoy the benefits of your policy while you're still living! Consult with a Viatical Settlement Broker today. It's free to inquire, and may mean Thousands or Millions of dollars to you to enjoy now for any purpose you desire.
The solution comes in the form of a Viatical Settlement. Viatical Settlements allow individuals to essentially (and absolutely legally within the USA) "sell" their own personal life policies to investors for a cash settlement for any use. Often the money from life insurance policies are so desparetly needed for the concerns of the living. Viatical Settlement Brokers specialize in matching individuals who desire to sell or settle their life insurance policies (while they are living) with specialized companies and investors who wish to purchase these policies for financial benefit down the road (upon the later death of the original policy owner).
If you own your own life ins. policy (almost 100 Million do within the USA), you truly owe it to yourself to consider what your policy might be worth in cash to you. Viatical Settlements are becoming very common and are a great way to enjoy the benefits of your policy while you're still living! Consult with a Viatical Settlement Broker today. It's free to inquire, and may mean Thousands or Millions of dollars to you to enjoy now for any purpose you desire.